Why Promotional Maglites® Are The Best Gifts

Promotional Maglites
Promotional Maglites

Promotional Maglites® (or maglights) make the best logo gifts for these reasons:

  1. They are suitable for all age groups.
  2. They are appreciated by both men and women.
  3. Maglites are American-made.
  4. They last forever. They are covered by a Maglite limited lifetime warranty by the manufacturer (in the western hemishpere).
  5. Your company logo is permanently laser engraved on the anodized aluminum barrel. It will never rub off.

Why Engraved Maglites Make the Best Christmas Gifts

  1. Wrapped Maglite Gifts
    Wrapped Maglite® Gifts

    They are made in the USA.

  2. They are used by men, women, and children.
  3. Maglites® come with a limited lifetime warranty in the western hemisphere.
  4. You can have your corporate logo on a Maglite engraved by a professional laser engraver.
  5. They are rugged and beautiful.
  6. They make excellent safety awards and service awards, because they come in a wide range of prices.
  7. Maglite® Flashlights
    Maglite® Flashlights

    The new LED models give out a high amount of lumens.



Merry Christmas!