The Mystery of Pipe Diameter Tape Measure Codes

Mystery of Diameter Tape Codes
Mystery of Diameter Tape Codes

Lufkin pipe diameter tape measure products are available with different scales. To find the right tape for your needs, here is how to read the codes that are embedded in the SKU numbers.

  • “P” means that it is a “pi” tape, also known as a diameter tape.

Examples are w606p, w906pd, w606pm, asw616pd, w606pd, w906p.

  • “D” means that it measures in tenths of an inch. If the “D” were missing, it would measure in 64ths of an inch.

Examples are w906pd, asw616pd, w606pd.

  • “M” means that it measures in metric scale.

An example is w606pm.

Celebrate Pi Day 2019 With A Diameter Tape Measure

pi symbol
pi symbol

Pi Day is March 14. This year you can help celebrate by answering the question at the bottom.

Pi is the constant ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, no matter what size the circle is. This is useful knowledge when you work with water pipes or oil or gas pipelines, and you need to replace part of it. You can measure the circumference and divide by pi. But there’s an easier way to do that.

Diameter Tape (pi Tape)
Diameter Tape (pi Tape)

Let a Lufkin Diameter tape measure do it for you. You just wrap it around the pipe, and read the diameter. Mathematicians call pi an irrational number, since it goes on for an infinite number of decimal places, but using a diameter tape is a very rational and easy way to find the diameter of a pipe. To see a little video on How to measure the diameter of a pipe, just click here.


Trivia: What famous scientist was born on Pi Day?




The Next Big Thing In Thermos Bottles

A brief history of the Thermos® Bottle goes back to 1892. The glass vacuum flask was invented by Sir James Dewar of Scotland. It was intended to keep chemical experiments at a constant temperature. William B. Walker obtained the patent rights and founded The American Thermos Bottle Company in 1907. The first bottles in the Brooklyn NY factory were double-glass vacuum bottles and protected by a metal cylinder. Then in 1966, a new design was introduced. The Thermos bottles were made with a double wall of stainless steel. No glass was used. Now you could drop the bottle and not be disappointed with a broken glass insert.

Today, the latest design is a hi-end replacement for the Koozie® sleeve. It holds a soft drink can or a beer bottle, and keeps it cold for much longer.

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