6 Ways To Use A Pipe diameter tape measure

To find the diameter of a pipe or hose, without cutting it or removing it, you need a pipe diameter tape measure. Many times when you are replacing pipes and hoses, you need to know the size before you remove the old one. You may want to purchase the new one and have it ready so you can make a quick replacement. Here are 6 ways you can benefit from using a a pipe diameter tape measure….You can measure:

  1. Household water pipes and drain pipes.
  2. Automotive heater hoses
  3. Trees
  4. Car exhaust pipes
  5. Boat water intake hoses
  6. Globes for light fixtures


And here is how you let a diameter tape do the work for you:


The 5 Oddest Uses for Pipe Tally Books

The 5 Oddest Uses for Pipe Tally Books

(How many more can you add?)

Tallybook Contest
Tallybook Contest

Pipe Tally Books are really designed for outdoor use. They are mainly used by oil and gas field workers. They keep track of continual data such as the number of pipes inserted into an oil well drilling rig. They have a weather proof vinyl covering. They are small enough to fit into your pocket, and be available constantly. Some of the new ones come with “stone pads”. They are waterproof and tear proof. They are a great improvement over paper pads. But pipe tally books can be used for any kind of writing. Here are 5 silly and odd uses. How many more can you come up with?

  1. Composing a music score for a Broadway show.
  2. Doodling while you are sitting on a jury.
  3. Writing love letters to all your girlfriends overseas while at your best friend’s wedding.
  4. Keeping track of your dairy cows medical care.
  5. Writing police reports you read in the newspaper.
If you post the best addition to this list by the end of October 2017, I’ll send you a free sample tally book. (USA address only)

How to Measure the Diameter of a Pipe

Question Please
Question Please

A simple question that is often asked by workers in the pipe industries. Now here’s a simple answer: How to measure the diameter of a pipe.

  • Clean the pipe off.
  • Get a quality diameter tape measure.
  • Wrap it around the pipe, snuggly, to give the shortest value.
  • Make sure the side with the diameter scale is showing.
  • Read the diameter on the scale that is at the zero mark at the beginning of the scale.

There is the simple answer, because the process really is that simple. Now you can show off by finding the diameter of a telephone pole, a tree, a radiator hose, a pencil, and a tire.

How to Measure the Diameter of a Pipe
How to Measure the Diameter of a Pipe

How To Choose The Correct Pipe Diameter Tape Measure

Diameter Tapes
Diameter Tapes

Answer these questions for yourself, and you will get the right pipe diameter tape measure!

  1. Metric or Imperial (Inch). Which do you need in your job? There are also 2 tapes that have BOTH metric and inch diameter scales. If the SKU number has a “m” in it, that means it is a metric scale.

    Pi-Cobra Diameter Tape, Metric & Inch Pi-Cobra Diameter Tape, Metric & Inch

    24inch-od-tape3.jpg Diameter-Tapes.com 24″ OD Tape Measure, Metric & Inch

  2. 64ths or 100ths? This question applies only if you need the Inch version of a pipe diameter tape. If you are in the oil and gas industry, you probably prefer the 100ths calibration. If you are in the boat or automotive industries in the USA, you would probably prefer the 64ths of an inch calibration. If the SKU number has a “d” in it, this means it is calibrated in 100ths of an inch.
  3. Size. The Lufkin models of the pocket diameter tapes will measure pipe diameters up to 23 inches. The Pi-Cobra models will measure pipe diameters up to 38 inches.

    Lufkin Y906PD pipe diameter tape measure, not Barlow W906PD Lufkin Diameter Tape

    Pi-Cobra Diameter Tape, Inches Pi-Cobra Diameter Tape, Inches


Here’s the Secret About a Pipe Measuring Tape

Pipe Measuring Secret
Pipe Measuring Secret

If you have to find the length of a pipe, that’s easy. But what about the outside diameter of a pipe?  What if you can’t just measure the diameter at the end? What if the pipe doesn’t have its ends exposed. It is part of a piping system, or a pipeline. How can you fine the OD, or outside diameter?

The secret is finding the right pipe measuring tape. What is it called?

  • Diameter Tape
  • Pipe Tape
  • Pipe Diameter Tape
  • Pi Tape
  • OD Tape
  • Outside Diameter Tape
  • Circumference Tape (a misnomer, but they are sometimes called this)

To use one, all you do is wrap it around the pipe, and read off the diameter. You don’t need to divide by pi (3.14159).

Lufkin Y906PD pipe diameter tape measure, not Barlow W906PD Lufkin Diameter Tape

How a Diameter Tape Can Find a Pipe Diameter For You

How to measure the diameter of a pipe or log

How do you work a diameter tape? You don’t. It works for YOU.

A Lufkin Diameter Tape Measure will make your job quick and easy. Just wrap it around a pipe, pipeline, or other round object, and read its diameter right off the tape. Yes, you wrap it around the “circumference”, but it reads “diameter” for you. You don’t need to divide by pi (3.14159).

See our 2 minute diameter tape video to learn a few other details about this valuable tool.

Diameter Tapes
Diameter Tapes Video





What Can A Pipe Diameter Measuring Tape Do For Me?

Want To Know The Diameter of Your Arm?
Want To Know The Diameter of Your Arm?

Most people don’t use a pipe diameter measuring tape. The reason is not that they don’t need one. The reason is that they don’t know how powerful it is. They don’t know what it can do for them. Just ask the people who use one every day:

  • pipe installers
  • plumbers
  • pipeline inspectors
  • pipeline installers and repairmen
  • HVAC installers
  • car mechanics
  • boat mechanics
  • oil and gas rig workers
  • sport ball makers

They will tell you this: If you want to know the outside diameter of a pipe or any round object, just wrap the diameter tape around its circumference, and read the diameter on the tape. Simple. You don’t have to divide by pi. The best part of this: Even if the pipe is not perfectly round, the od diameter tape will give you the average outside diameter as if it were perfectly round.

Can I help, too?
Can I help, too?




How to Measure the Diameter of a Pipe or Pipeline


Blonde With A Question
Girl With A Diameter Question

Have you ever wondered how to measure the diameter of a pipe? Don’t feel alone. Many people have asked that question. The answer is quite simple. You need a diameter tape, and then watch this little 2 minute video. It’s as simple as measuring the length of a stick. You just need a pipe diameter tape to to the work for you, then a pencil to write down the answer.

Many people need a pipe diameter tape every day. Plumbers, oilfield repairmen, gas and oil well drillers, city water departments, tree experts, and pipe manufacturers all need to use a pipe diameter tape continuously in their job. Just watch this short video, and then purchase a diameter tape. It will make your job go much easier.

How to Measure the Diameter of a Pipe
How to Measure the Diameter of a Pipe