The Anatomy of a Great Architect Scale Ruler

Architect Scale Rulers
Architect Scale Rulers Help Convert Measurements

Not all rulers are created equal. Some are rigid, some are retractable tapes, some are in metric, some are in imperial. There is also a special kind of ruler used for converting the measurements on a scaled-down drawing or map: the architect scale ruler.

Here is the basic makeup of architect scale rulers:

  • They come in a variety of scales
  • Retractable tapes offer 2 different scales- one on each side of the tape
  • Bevel & triangular architect scale rulers offer 4-6 different scales
  • There are a variety of sizes- some can even fit in your pocket!

No matter what drawing you are measuring, there is a special architect scale ruler to help you out.

Hollow Triangular Architect 12" Scale
Hollow Triangular Architect 12″ Scale
Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure
Architects Scale Lufkin tape measure

The Most Essential Tool That Our Foresters Need is a Diameter Tape Measure

Diameter Tape Measures for Foresters
Diameter Tape Measures for Foresters

When you think of a logger or forester, what is the first tool that comes to mind? Probably a chainsaw, right? Well the other tool that they use on a daily basis is a diameter tape measure. What exactly do they use this specialized tape measure for?

  • To wrap about tree branches, logs, and trunks to determine their diameter without cutting them
  • To help estimate the age of the tree
  • To determine the value of the tree if it’s being logged
  • For landscapers, it also helps calculate the amount of fertilizer needed

To be consistent, all loggers measure standing trees with their diameter tape measures at Diameter Breast Height (DBH), which is 4.5’ above ground.

Lufkin Diameter Tape Measure
Lufkin Diameter Tape Measure