10 Myths About Custom Tally Books

Here are the top 10.

Custom Tally Books
Custom Tally Books
  1. Custom tally books aren’t just for the oil and gas drilling industries.
  2. All tally books are sensitive to water damage.
  3. They are too big and bulky to put in your pocket.
  4. There is no place on a tally book to hook your pen.
  5. Custom tally books can’t hold any extra pages and special notices.
  6. Tally books are too expensive.
  7. They aren’t  flexible enough for your pocket.
  8. They aren’t spiral bound.
  9. Production time is too long.
  10. Our full color logo can’t be printed on the cover.

Fortunately, all ten myths are just that. Myths. With all the new printing technology and product developments in the last 20 years, all these problems have been solved.

To find the answers to all these myths, just go to Custom Tally Books.

3410 Jr. Tally  Book
3410 Jr. Tally Book


The Magic of Custom Calendar Printing With Your Own Pictures

Johannes Gutenberg Invented the Printing Press
Johannes Gutenberg Invented the Printing Press

I use the word “Magic” loosely. The explosion of personal computers in the last 40 years has been accompanied by a dramatic increase in the quality of printing from those computers. 40 years is a really short amount of time as far as printing technology goes. 40 years is very short compared to the year 1439, when Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press and movable type in Europe. In 40 years we went from the time nobody could print a document or picture in their own house, to now, in 2016, when everyone with a personal computer can design and print in high resolution full color.  We can even print our own wall calendars, with our own pictures of our family. If we have 12 children, we can make a wall calendar with one of our children on each month.

There is one difficulty of doing this ourselves. Where do we get the template for the year? If we find one, can we modify it to our needs? How do we spiral bind it? Fortunately, we can have someone else make Custom Calendar Printing for us. There are many companies who do this, and specialize 1-10 copies. If you need 50 or so, some other companies are more suited to your job. And their cost per calendar is very small. Save your ink, and let them do it.

Custom Calendar using your very own hi res pictures Custom Calendar Printing With Your Own Pictures