Use Your Maglite Flashlights During “National Great Outdoors Month”

Don't Run Without Your Maglite Flashlights
Don’t Run Without Your Maglite Flashlights

June is “National Great Outdoors Month” in the United States. It was started in 1998 to draw people to the national parks and local parks. Visiting the outdoors is good for the soul. It offers a great release from the pressures of everyday life. Best of all, many aspects of it are free. How can you focus on this activity?

  • Volunteer at a summer camp for kids.
  • Go boating.
  • Walk in the woods.
  • Take pictures of sunsets and post them on your social media outlet.
  • Go biking, running, or walking on a local trail.
  • Run with your baby.
  • Get out of town and take a drive in the country.

No matter where you go, don’t leave home without your Maglite Flashlights. They can save your life if you get lost, or get caught after sunset in an unfamiliar place.

How to Use Tally Books During National Running Day

A Runner in a 5k Race, for a Tally Book
A Runner in a 5k Race

The first Wednesday in June is National Running Day in the U.S. Running, jogging, and walking have become very popular in the last 20 years. People are more health conscious, and realize that these sports are good for your heart and general health. Almost anyone can do them. Every weekend in the summer has a race somewhere close by. The prizes you get for finishing are usually a shirt, jacket, tote bag, or a medal. Runners would rather run in a group than by themselves, and don’t mind paying $25 to $50 to run in a group and get some swag each time. You don’t have to be in the top 3 to get a trophy and cash. You just have to be in the top 3 in your age bracket and sex bracket. With each age bracket consisting of 5 to 10 years, there are many winners.

How can you celebrate this day?

  1. Sign up for a race.

    Tally Book Junior Steno Style for Runners
    Tally Book Junior Steno Style for Runners
  2. Sponsor someone to race, if that is an option.
  3. Support a racer.
  4. Take a “finishing” picture of your favorite runner and post it on social media for them. Send it to their friends and relatives.
  5. Hand out tally books with your company logo to all the runners. They can use it to keep track of all their races, their speed, length, and awards.