Tally books were originally made for gas and oil field employees. They use them

to keep track of how many pipes they put down the well when they are drilling. It’s important to know how deep they are at any time. The drillers can enter the time, day, size of pipe and length of pipe, plus anything unusual that happens at each depth.
Since tally books are water resistant, and have lined pages, and fit in your pocket, they have been used for other purposes. Here are some unusual ones:
- In a running race, you can enter the ID number and finish time of each runner.
- In a sailboat race, you can keep track of the times that each boat passes each buoy, and the finish line.
- If you are hired to read water meters in a small town, you can use tally books to write down the meter readings.
- Keep track of your medicine times.
- Keep a record of your gasoline purchases, and the number of miles you drove since the last fill-up.
- Use it as a field book to record what birds you have seen at what times and locations.
Can you think of any other uses?